Elsa 1952


Elsa 1999

Photo by Nancy Kelly 1999

Elsa 2002

Photo by Kris Bryant 2002

Elsa 2004

Photo by Ann Duncan 2004

Elsa 2011

Photo by Laura Vandeleur 2011



All of my products are made from the wool of purebred Cormo sheep:
my flock of 200- 300 in Colorado (no longer in existence) and a flock of several hundred owned by a family in Montana.
The Cormo breed was developed by a geneticist and a rancher in Australia, from Corriedale rams and Superfine Merino ewes.
Cormo wool is as fine as average Merino, but it's longer-stapled, and noticeably softer than Merino wool of the same fiber diameter.
There are two breed associations in the US. Purebred Cormos with black, gray, or Moorit (brown) wool are not eligible for registration.
But their fleeces are prized by handspinners and others who appreciate the beauty of fine wool in black, brown, and various shades of gray.

White Sheep 1 Black Sheep 2  


Cormo wool is fine, longer-stapled than most fine wools, very elastic, and exceptionally soft. It also is among the warmest of wools.
The picture on the left below shows the insulating properties of Cormo wool. The snow on the sheep has not melted; the body heat is close to the sheep.
The picture on the right shows a guy warm and comfortable in his Cormo woolens.

The wool 1 The wool 2    


To transform wool from fleeces on sheep to clothing for people, a number of processes are required.

First, the sheep are shorn . . .

sheep sheering 1 elsawool  
sheep sheering 2 elsawool  
sheep sheering 3 elsawool  
sheep sheering 4 elsawool  

. . . and their fleeces are thoroughly skirted (sorted, with only the best fibers retained).

The wool 5 The wool 6  

The skirted wool is packed into bags.

The wool 6    

The bales of compacted wool are shipped to a scouring mill in San Angelo, Texas.
Here the wool is loosened, washed in hot water and plain mild detergent, dried, and baled.
This mill is part of Bollman Industries, which is an employee-owned company founded in 1868,
the oldest hat-maker and the 19th-oldest continuously operating consumer products company in the US.
At their facility in Adamstown, Pennsylvania, Bollman makes hats — wool felt, fur felt, cotton, bamboo, straw, and knitted.
At their scouring operation in San Angelo they wash wool, mohair, and other fibers -- up to 17,000 pounds of fiber per day.

Some of the bales of washed wool are sent to Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin.
The wool is picked, blended, carded, and spun into soft, lofty, yet sturdy yarns.
White, black, and gray fleeces are blended to create various colors and shades of yarn.

Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool      
Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool      
Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill with Elsawool      

Other bales are shipped to a woolen spinning mill in New England.

The rest of the washed wool is sent to a worsted spinning mill or a series of mills in the Eastern U.S.
The wool is carded, combed, and spun into yarns that have more density and strength than woolen yarns.

Most of the yarns — both woolen-spun and worsted-spun — are skeined, washed, and sold to knitters, crocheters, weavers, and dyers.
Some yarns are shipped to small U.S. mills and knitted into fabrics; the fabrics are then cut, sewn, and turned into clothing.
Other yarns go to Texas and are knitted on whole-garment machines that produce seamless three-dimensional pieces.
And the New England-spun woolen yarns are sent to a weaver, where they become blankets.

blanket Woolen Mill with Elsawool blanket Woolen Mill with Elsawool weaving for Elsawool    
weaving for Elsawool        

During all of the processes —
growing, washing, spinning, knitting, weaving, sewing, and re-washing,
the wool is left as pure and natural as possible.




From the management of land and livestock,
through the phases of harvesting the wool and processing it into finished products,
to the marketing and selling of the products --
a number of people contribute hard work, expertise, and a conscientious attitude.
For all of these people, I am very grateful.

People 12 People 13 People 15  

You, of course, are vital to Elsawool's success.
In addition, you happen to be some of the nicest people in the world!
I thank you for your purchases, your kind and encouraging words, and for all of the ways you've helped Elsawool to thrive and be a great place to work.

People 5 Customer 2 Customer 1
Stephanie Hatfield with sweater she made from Elsawool yarns.